Sunday, June 22, 2008


Has the sound of firecrackers started ringing in your ear yet? It has in mine. In our household "July 4" starts in June and ends after the actual 4th. Riley watched the fireworks stand hopefully each and every morning on our way to work. Any glimpse of movement around the stand earned us a circle back around. You should have seen the look on his face when he finally saw it open.

As soon we got home he started popping "Little Dynamites". He threw them, piled rocks on 'em, buried them in dirt, and plenty of other things. I think that boy might like "crackers" as much as he likes swimming.

You should see the variety of firecrackers available. They have the basic tanks and chickens. Now they also have ambulances, fire trucks, tractors, and other things of that nature. I think most of them are the same thing with a different cardboard shell. They also have fireworks shaped like beer bottles and mugs.

We've already put on a minature show with our cousin. I'm sure we'll put on another one soon. I would recommend "the Frog Prince" to anyone just wanting to pop some little fire crackers. Its a fountain-type. My favorite crackers are the simple ones, like the blooming flower, crackle balls, and smoke bombs.

Anyway, that's all I got for now. Have a blessed 4th!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Five Golden Meme

Hello again! Long time, no see. Sorry for the absence of posts, I'll be trying to post a little more often.

1: Post the rules of the game at the beginning.
2:Each player answer the questions about themselves.
3: At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and post their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read the player's blog.
4: Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answer.

What were you doing five years ago?
I was most likely found around a swimming pool or playstation

What are five things on your to-do list for today?
2-Get a hair cut
4-I'm sure Riley will want to swim
5-Riley probably wants to pop firecrackers, also

What are five snacks you enjoy? Me? Snack? No, no, no. My motto is "Eat big or go home" :p
2-Peanut Butter
4-Sno Cones
5-Sour candy

What are five things you would do if you where a billionaire?
1-I would travel.
2-Buy a Marshall Stack and Les Paul Custom
3-Buy my own personal skate park
4-Have a house with a HUGE yard and garden.
5-Have caretakers to tend my HUGE yard and garden

What are five of your bad habits?
1-Staying up late
2-Sleeping in too long
3-Not enough exercise
5-Not cleaning my room

What are five places you've lived?
I've lived in one place for my entire life

What are five jobs you've had?
1-I consider myself official trash taker outerer at Bachelor Integrity Accounting
2-I've raked a few leaves in my day
3-I used to mow my aunt's lawn
4-I may have cleaned my room once or twice
5-I'm currently a student

Alas! There is none left to tag