Monday, July 14, 2008

Memoir Meme

I was tagged by My Mom for this meme.

The meme has the following rules:

1 – Write the title to your own memoir using exactly six words.

2 – Post it on your blog.

3 – Link to the person who tagged you.

4 – Tag five other bloggers.

I'm really bad at this type of thing. Also, everyone I know has been tagged.

Mom, What Ya Fixin for Supper

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Has the sound of firecrackers started ringing in your ear yet? It has in mine. In our household "July 4" starts in June and ends after the actual 4th. Riley watched the fireworks stand hopefully each and every morning on our way to work. Any glimpse of movement around the stand earned us a circle back around. You should have seen the look on his face when he finally saw it open.

As soon we got home he started popping "Little Dynamites". He threw them, piled rocks on 'em, buried them in dirt, and plenty of other things. I think that boy might like "crackers" as much as he likes swimming.

You should see the variety of firecrackers available. They have the basic tanks and chickens. Now they also have ambulances, fire trucks, tractors, and other things of that nature. I think most of them are the same thing with a different cardboard shell. They also have fireworks shaped like beer bottles and mugs.

We've already put on a minature show with our cousin. I'm sure we'll put on another one soon. I would recommend "the Frog Prince" to anyone just wanting to pop some little fire crackers. Its a fountain-type. My favorite crackers are the simple ones, like the blooming flower, crackle balls, and smoke bombs.

Anyway, that's all I got for now. Have a blessed 4th!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Five Golden Meme

Hello again! Long time, no see. Sorry for the absence of posts, I'll be trying to post a little more often.

1: Post the rules of the game at the beginning.
2:Each player answer the questions about themselves.
3: At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and post their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read the player's blog.
4: Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answer.

What were you doing five years ago?
I was most likely found around a swimming pool or playstation

What are five things on your to-do list for today?
2-Get a hair cut
4-I'm sure Riley will want to swim
5-Riley probably wants to pop firecrackers, also

What are five snacks you enjoy? Me? Snack? No, no, no. My motto is "Eat big or go home" :p
2-Peanut Butter
4-Sno Cones
5-Sour candy

What are five things you would do if you where a billionaire?
1-I would travel.
2-Buy a Marshall Stack and Les Paul Custom
3-Buy my own personal skate park
4-Have a house with a HUGE yard and garden.
5-Have caretakers to tend my HUGE yard and garden

What are five of your bad habits?
1-Staying up late
2-Sleeping in too long
3-Not enough exercise
5-Not cleaning my room

What are five places you've lived?
I've lived in one place for my entire life

What are five jobs you've had?
1-I consider myself official trash taker outerer at Bachelor Integrity Accounting
2-I've raked a few leaves in my day
3-I used to mow my aunt's lawn
4-I may have cleaned my room once or twice
5-I'm currently a student

Alas! There is none left to tag

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's Time for the Muppet Show!

Finally! I've finally received my Muppet Show DVDs ! A few weeks ago I ordered them off Amazon, and it took them a few days to ship and then about a week to get here. Upon getting the package from the postal lady, I was disgusted. The box was mutilated. It looked like it had sent through a wood chipper. I opened the box and the cases didn't look too bad, the edges just looked a little worn. Then I tried to open the DVDs. The plastic that held the DVDs was demolished. Needless to say, we had to send them back, and then wait another week.

Luckily, Amazon Customer Service was nice and helpful. I was relieved when they came in unharmed. I think the Muppets are just one of those things that people either love or hate. I, for one, really enjoy them. I think my favorite muppet would have to be the Swedish Chef, performed by Jim Henson doing the head and Frank Oz doing the hands. I also like Statler & Waldorf, the two old men who heckle everyone. That's all I got for now so I'll leave you with some memorable Muppet quotes.

"Is that a toupee you're wearing or did your cat die?"

"I've got a permanent room in the home for the chronically groovy"
-Sgt. Floyd Pepper

"If I didn't know I was a genuis, I wouldn't even listen to the songs I write"
-Sgt. Floyd Pepper

"Ah, Beethoven. He's my favorite playwright"
-Sam the Eagle

Waldorf - "Just when you think this show is terrible something wonderful happens."
Statler - "What?"
Waldorf - "It ends."

Thursday, May 15, 2008

There's More Than One Way to Educate a Geek

This post is about a topic that I've been putting a lot of thought into lately; education. As most of you know I'm quite interested in science. It doesn't exactly take Sherlock to figure that out. One of the major points of thought has been being able to find a job, of a scientific nature, around home.

We recently mapped out what courses I would take for the rest of high school. This year I took(excluding non-scientific courses) Biology, Chemistry, and Algebra I. The "usual" course after Chem is Physics. I would like to take it, but I havn't taken Algebra II or Geometry. So we figured that next year, I would take Advanced Bio, Marine Bio, Algebra II, and Geometry. In my Junior year, I would take Physics, Adv. Chem, and Trig. Finally, I would take Adv. Physics and Pre-Calc. Then we started discussing college...

We've looked up some of the degrees and their requirements from OU. Some of my top interests include: Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering(with a Bio-Technology option), and Microbiology(professional). Bo thinks that if I get a degree in Environmental Engineering and then get a law degree, I will be in high demand around here.

After looking at the college stuff, we started looking at concurrent courses. Then we wondered if it would be logical to take all these advanced courses in my high-school year, instead of just moving onto college courses. All this information is kind of exciting and overwhelming at the same time! Anyway, I would like for you to give your opinions and prayers.


Monday, May 5, 2008

A Fish Story

Greetings one and all! Yesterday, my dad came over to our house to visit a while. He told me and Riley about a fishin' hole a few miles down the road from our house. He has been pumping leases for this guy, so the guy said he could fish in the pond. Riley, of course, was rip roarin' and ready to go. After gathering our gear me, Riley, and my dad loaded up and headed off. Within the first few minutes of fishing, we had all angled a fish. The one my dad caught was the only one big enough to keep.

A few minutes later I spotted two humongigantic bass! After a few failed attempts, I switch to a green lizard. Almost as soon as put it in the water, I caught the bigger of the two bass' eye. He moved closer and closer and then... BAM! Up swam a tiny perch who snatched up the lure. For a minute I thought I might catch two at the same, because the bass started trying to eat the perch. In the end the perch got away.

So then I again started trying to get 'im. After a few casts I finally got him to bite. I started really crankin' that reel. I got him up to the bank, and, but of course, the line snapped. He flopped up on dry land, so I thought I still had a chance. I grabbed and grabbed, but it was meaningless. He got away.

In the end I did end up catching a pretty good 4 1/2 pounder. I also, of course, caught the biggest and the most fish ;)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Starting Driver's Ed

Hello once again! I know I may have told you I had many ideas for topics to write about, but it seems that when I try to write, I forget everthing. After sitting and thinking about what to write, my mother decided to make it easier for me by assigning a topic, Driver's Ed.

Being just a few months over 15 1/2, I can now start my driver's education. I hadn't really thought about it until my mother brought up the subject, which left me quite surprised, considering that she didn't even let me ride in the front seat until recently.

Not quite sure of how DE worked, with me being homeschooled, we did a little research and found that my mother can actually teach me to drive (isn't that a scary thought?). First I'll take a written course and then onto the on-the-job-training. The cars we chose for driving are my mom's little roller skate and my aunt's monster Avalanche. I'm a little nervous about the size of the Avalanche though.

Once I've completed the required hours and tests I'll be able to get my Intermediate Driver's License. The IDL lets me drive by myself and with family, and the restrictions are: No multiple teen-age passengers and no driving between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. unless it is for school, church, or work-related( not really sure why I would need to be anywhere for church or school that late though)

The idea of getting behind the wheel doesn't excite me much. I would rather have a chauffeur.
Although not having to hitch a ride to do stuff while my mom is working, is a plus. Anyway, pray for me and my mother. I'm sure we will both need large doses of patience.
Thanks for the read!


Friday, April 25, 2008

A New Beginning

Howdy doody to all my brothers and sisters here at Blogger! My mother (The Words After) thought that keeping a blog would help my, somewhat limited, creative writing skills. I didn't exactly jump at the idea, but after a little persuasion, thought it might be fun. I also thought this would be a good chance to be knit together in love with fellow believers.

As you can probably tell, I'm into science. This school year I'm taking Chemistry and Biology. I hope to, someday, go to college and pursue a career in Chemical Engineering or Microbiology. I also enjoy art. I've been blessed with a wonderful art teacher who is very lenient about talking in class ;). I'm not a big sports fan, but I do enjoy skateboarding and basketball.

After sitting for hours thinking about what to write I finally came up with this, but I have lots of ideas for follow-ups thanks to my mother and her co-worker. Anyway, thanks for taking time to read this, and I hope you have a blessed evening
